December 27, 2008 (Club Letter #3)
To: OLLI Colleagues
From: Paul Howard -
RE: OLLI Personal Computer User Group - Club Progress
Happy New Year! I hope you’re enjoying the blessings of the season, and are looking forward to our first meeting on January 17th.
What to Bring to a Meeting?
• OLLI name tag / badge.
• Business / Calling Card - for exchange with new friends, should include your email address, to aid communications between meetings.
• Questions about things you’re having trouble with for the Q & A sessions.
• A clipboard & pad / PDA for notes, questions for future meetings, etc.
• A USB flash drive - sometimes known as a thumb, or key chain drive, these portable storage devices are ideal for transferring programs, documents and other data between computers. Information or programs to help you with particular problems may be distributed at meetings by this method. For less than $10, you can buy a USB flash drive with 1-2 gigabyte capacity. Available at Micro Center, Circuit City, Best Buy, Office Depot, Staples, Ink Stop, web vendors.
Volunteers Needed !!
Administration - The club doesn’t necessarily require a lot of bureaucratic structure, since it’s an activity of OLLI, and operating under that umbrella reduces the needs for administrative arrangements required by most computer groups, such as a constitution, bylaws, incorporation, IRS determination of non-profit status, etc. However, some structure and volunteer positions need to be established in order for meetings to run efficiently. Please contact me if you’re willing to fill a role in the group!
• Joint House Committee: 3 to 5 folks from OPCUG to help with room setup and rearrangement, refreshments, greeting visitors. WAC has three volunteers committed to this effort. Activity primarily on meeting days, little other time requirements foreseen.
• Joint Program Committee: 1 or 2 folks from OPCUG to meet with WAC immediately following the monthly meeting to plan future meetings, expected to take 20 minutes or less. Interface with Vendor Relations and APCUG rep. (WAC’s board of directors (BOD) meets after each meeting; the programming meeting will proceed the BOD meeting.)
• Vendor Relations Chair: Interface with vendors for acquisition of review software, door prize drawing materials and meeting speakers. Coordination with program committee for potential speakers or webinar presentations. Time commitment - one or two hours a month.
• APCUG representative: OPCUG’s interface with the Association of Personal Computer User Groups. Maintain OPCUG listings in APCUG database, review APCUG web sites and quarterly publications for program ideas, and other opportunities for club improvement. Time commitment - one or two hours a month.
• OPCUG Chair / Co-Chair: The face(s) of OPCUG to OLLI, WAC, and the rest of the world. I’ve been happy to help the club effort get off the ground, but have no desire to be the “head cheese” on a going-forward basis. Time commitment - one or two hours a month. (I’ll be willing to serve as co-chair for a term not to exceed 18 months, if that will help some other OPCUG member to step forward, and assume the leadership mantle.)
Cost: To avoid the scrutiny of the tightfisted skinflints of the OLLI finance committee <grin>(on which I hold the title of “2nd Assistant Scrooge”), I propose the following self-financing mechanism for the OLLI computer club:
A start-up, per person assessment of $5.00, for the following purposes:
$2.00 from the assessment will be allocated to start a jointly administered Meeting Refreshment Fund. OLLI culture demands coffee and cookies; WAC’s members are used to a wide assortment of vending machines. WACUG will supply a lump sum on behalf of its members. A collection jar will be placed in the social room, with a suggested donation of a dollar per meeting, if you partake of the goodies.
APCUG membership - $2 from the assessment will be devoted to financing a $50 annual membership in the Association of Personal Computer User Groups. This provides the club visibility to vendors who provide review software, such as Microsoft Office, Publisher, Live OneCare, etc., free offers and discounts on merchandise, and speakers for meetings. In addition, APCUG provides access to newsletter articles from other groups, and a quarterly electronic newsletter filled with ideas for programs, group operations, etc. Regional meetings are sponsored by APCUG.
OPCUG Door Prize Fund - $1 from the assessment. Useful software and other items, purchased by the fund, and donated by vendors and members, will be distributed via door prize drawings. WACUG will run a separate door prize drawing for its members.